#3D #Blender #Tutorial
Introduction to 3D Content Creation. With Blender 2.82.
An Introductory series of tutorials to help you get started with 3D content creation. The content is designed to give you a guided tour of the fundamentals of 3D, Project Planning and Inner workings of Blender, which will help you ease your way into understanding the bigger picture. The tutorial series is meant for beginners and intermediate users. Those making shifting from other 3D programs will also find the tutorial useful. Apart from technicals, the design aspect and how to prepare your mind before getting into 3D are also discussed. Topics Discussed: Pre Production, Sketching, Layout, Research, Color and Lighting, Modeling, Texturing, Uv, Sculpting, Dynamics – Mantaflow Fluid+Smoke, Particle, Hair, Cloth Simulation, Rendering. This series will be available on our official Website and Youtube Channel.
Tutorial Resources will be provided.
Coming Soon.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/CrossmindStudio
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/instacrossmind/